Some things I learned lately, or at least had reinforced.
-You can send a kid to the office easier if you tell them, “It’s a good thing I like you.”
-If you drink Beet-carrot-celery juice, you will see a change in color of your urinous waste.
-You can use less electricity and have you bill go up (& up).
-Cold dogs will put up with doggie sweaters but hot dogs will not.
-Some dogs think plastic food dishes are chew toys.
- If it's on the floor, a dog will chew it.
-If there is fluff in it, a dog will get the fluff out.
-Spell check can give you a word then tell you it is spelled incorrectly.
-You can work 6 days straight on the Wii Fit and not loose an ounce.
-If one dog has itthe rest will want it.
-Dogs never want to eat out of their own food dishes.
-Friends like you better if they don’t see you too often.
-Dogs don’t care if you get a good nights sleep as long as they can lie next to you and push you with their feet to be sure you are there. You think that they could just smell you.
-You can deny God’s existence but he will never deny yours.
-Don’t put the squirrel feeder and house inside the Jack Russell yard.
-My cranberry relish still taste's good and is good for you.
-The book “Coralline” (yes with an o) is going to be coming out as a movie.
-Husbands stop listening to you even before the loose their hearing.
-The colder the temperature, the finer the snow.
-Six dogs in your house can be too many and too few at the same time.
-A dog loves you, even when you say something offensive.
-Most dogs are good for a snuggle.
-Don’t blog about communication, before you take your antidepressant.
Pax Christi!
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